Pioneer in the computer assisted calculation in the automotive construction.

Modern methods of calculation in the automotive development are here to stay. Its mentor Dr. Alfred Zimmer, who’s ideas revolutionised the construction at Daimler-Benz.

The fact, that the Daimler corporation had a cutting edge in the calculation in the automobile sector, was closely associated to my name. After taking the first steps in calculating passenger car chassis at Daimler-Benz back in the late Fifties, I succeeded with a great leap forward in 1963. For the first time, with the aid of a computer I could store bar elements according to the geometrical conditions of construction. Then I could match arithmetically with reality the six possible components (4 bending moments, the thrust and the torsion moment).

After overcoming the problems of acceptance in the beginning, the new procedures “RB” and “ESEM” were soon adapted by Daimler-Benz. Using the historical IBM computer 1620 from 1963 until 1965 the first chassis calculations were accomplished, with mixed basic elements from the bar elements and the spatial elements.

In 1969, a scientific and promotional film with the title “The car that came out of the computer” was created. Daimler wanted to document their advance in technology and IBM wanted to increase the sale of their computers! The film, starring Dr. Zimmer and the Wankel sports car C111 was shown in Cannes, the film won first price in the category “Industrial film”.

I was able, through the implementation of my ideas and visions, to launch the modern calculation methods in the automotive development in the Sixties, and also to give many more impulses for the future.

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CADFEM Infoplaner 01/ 2007

The Pioneer Dr. Zimmer